This Large Party Contract ("Contract") is entered between Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails located at 560 Dutch Valley Road, Atlanta, Georgia hereinafter referred to as "Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails," and Michael Lintorn-Catlin hereinafter referred to as the "Client," for the purpose of reserving and or utilizing a reservation at Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails.

  1. Reservation: Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails offering a Large Party Experience that can accommodate 18 guests. The reservation for 08/08/2024 ('Date') at 6PM ('Time') requires a food and beverage minimum of $1170, plus any addition fees in Attachment A, totalling $1170; less taxes.

  2. Non-Refundable Admin Fee: To secure the reservation, Michael Lintorn-Catlin agrees to pay a non-refundable admin fee of $65.

  3. Time: Your seating time is a maximum of 2 hours from the agreed-upon reservation time. Please inform your guests to arrive early so that your reservation can begin and end on time. Any extension of time is subject to availability and will incur additional charges.

  4. Grace Period: All guests are expected to arrive within a 15-minute grace period from the reservation time. Late arrivals may lead to a shortened dining experience or, if the restaurant cannot accommodate, cancellation at management's discretion.

  5. Pre-Orders: Mandatory meal pre-selection for the entire party must be submitted 72 hours prior to the reservation. Management reserves the right to verify submissions 48 hours in advance and cancel parties with incomplete orders.

  6. Arrival and Service: Guests are encouraged to arrive together to facilitate service. Orders for the entire party will be processed simultaneously at the time of reservation. The restaurant cannot be held responsible for cold items if guests arrive late. In case of overlapping bookings caused by previous guests, orders will be placed as soon as the table becomes available to ensure timely service. Once selections are submitted, they cannot be altered, and food items will be rang up as-is. Late arrivals may result in a shortened reservation ending at the scheduled time.

  7. Late: If party guests arrive late and management permits them to be seated beyond the grace period, it should be understood that the dining experience may be expedited, potentially resulting in packed to-go meals or further actions by management. Guests should anticipate receiving their final check 30-minutes before the reservation time ends.

  8. Booking Inclusions and Fees: This agreed-upon booking includes the use for large party reservation, the standard table setup, and any specified package outlined in Attachment A.
    The following fees and charges will be added to the final bill:
    • Tax: GA - 8.9%
    • Auto Gratuity: 20%
    • Any remaining balance or purchases outside the set required minimum dollar amount

  9. Securing the Booking: To secure the booking, Michael Lintorn-Catlin must sign this Contract and pay the $65 non-refundable admin fee immediately after contract signing. A reservation is only considered confirmed when a credit card has been entered into our secure system and you've received a confirmation from Tock.

  10. Payment and Final Guest Count:
    1. Michael Lintorn-Catlin agrees to the set food and beverage minimum of $1170 for this reservation.
    2. Should the guest count be lower from the agreed 18 guest, client is still responsible for the required minimum.
    3. Should the guest count increase, Client agrees to the following additional per person being added to the food and beverage minimum with seating based on availability.
      • Brunch | Saturday & Sunday: $50
      • Dinner | Sunday - Thursday: $65
      • Dinner | Friday - Saturday: $100
    4. Should Michael Lintorn-Catlin not meet the required $1170 food and beverage minimum, a House Fee will be applied to reach the food & beverage minimum requirement.
    5. Breach of contract results in the responsible guest being charged the entire minimum order total after cancellation.
    6. Parties will be provided with one bill with the option to split evenly between six payment options. Only the following forms of payment are accepted: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. No checks accepted.
    7. Over time charge of $750 per hour after seating past the allocated time may be charged to the guest if they exceed the time allocated and do not vacate for the next reservation.
    The Client must also provide the final guest count, if any update, no later than 3 days (72 hours) before the reservation date.

  11. Decor: We welcome light subtle decorations or personal touches that may enhance your reservation, however we restrict all wall decor as it may peel the paint. Additionally, please limit your personal touches to tabletop decor only. Client is responsible for any damage to Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails and/ or it's employees or property caused by Client's attendees, vendors, contractors, or agents. Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails assumes no liability for lost, misplaced, or stolen articles in connection with the reservation. No items can be left at Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails after the reservation ends, including but not limited to decor, flowers, favors, gifts, or cake toppers. Any and all belongings must be removed at the close of the reservation.

  12. Cancellation:
    • Cancellation of your event within 5 days of the scheduled date and time will result in a $500 cancellation fee charged to the credit card provided.
    • Cancellation on the day of your event will result in you being responsible for the full food and beverage minimum of $1170, as indicated in this contract, which will be charged to your credit card.

  13. Compliance With Law: This Agreement is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including health and safety codes, alcoholic beverage control laws, disability laws, federal anti-terrorism laws and regulations, and the like. Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails and Michael Lintorn-Catlin agree to cooperate with each other to ensure compliance with such laws.

  14. Legal Notice: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this contract and its attachments/amendments, neither Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails nor any of its agents warrants that the functions for the reservation will be uninterrupted or error-free. In no event will Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails be liable to Michael Lintorn-Catlin or any third party for any damages, including, but not limited to, service interruptions caused by Acts of God, nature, war, government regulations, disaster, strikes, civil disorder, speakers blowing up, amplifier malfunction, fights, police shutdowns, or any other circumstances beyond our reasonable control, any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages arising out of the operation of the reservation.

  15. This Agreement: This agreement constitutes the sole agreement between Michael Lintorn-Catlin and Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails regarding this reservation. Any additional information not specified in this contract or any other attachment/amendment or modification to this contract must be authorized by a written request signed by both Michael Lintorn-Catlin and Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails.


Michael Lintorn-Catlin Large Party
August 8, 2024; 6PM
Admin Fees: $65.00

Total Pre Payment: $65.00 *Pre-selected meals will not be enforced for this contract and this reservation may order at time of reservation*

Client Details

Michael Lintorn-Catlin,

The undersigned hereby agree to the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement on behalf of his/her entity.
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. Any changes or modifications thereto must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Verdure Kitchen & Cocktails,

Esha Parquet
07/26/2024 (electronically signed)

Michael Lintorn-Catlin,

Signed on 07/29/2024 09:57AM
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